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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management organized an Alumni Sports Meet

GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management (GLBITM) recently organized an Alumni Sports Meet, marking a memorable reunion of former students

The campus echoed with cheers as both faculty and alumni participated with enthusiasm in various sporting competitions. The event became a vibrant display of skill, teamwork, and a strong spirit of sportsmanship. The highlight of the Sports Meet was the President’s Cup, a contested match that caught alumni emerging victorious. The energetic game showcased the alumni’s sporting prowess and symbolized their lasting connection with the alma mater. The Alumni Sports Meet served as a fantastic blend of nostalgia, creating a sense of community and strengthening the bonds between the current faculty and the esteemed alumni. The event celebrated the achievements of the alumni in their professional lives and highlighted the importance of staying connected and engaged with the alma mater.

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